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“(..) just as amazing as the cover and title, so is the sound of the  trio. (…) got the punch of old school, amazing melodic pieces and good solos”
Rock Hard Germany

"Time To Kill is an LP engraved with eight tracks of pure thrashing entertainment with death metal growls and grunts to match."

Born from the streets of Sao Paulo-Brazil, later relocated to Ireland, and today based in Germany, Location is just a detail at this stage.
 BreaKdowN blasted on to the scene in 1998 playing every kind of show imaginable. They quickly found themselves embraced by every facet of the insanely diverse local music scene from punk to tech death.
After recording their titled Disgrace, a 3-song demo, and a live tape called Live After Thrash, the label Unsilent Records saw live and decided to release the first BreaKdowN full length. “Time To Kill”. Released in 2007, These 8 tracks have caught the attention in the global underground scene over the following years BreaKdowN appeared in compilations and Magazines in Brazil, USA, Europe and all over the planet and shared the stage with many important bands.
"Divide and Konquer", the new EP, once again delivers an uncompromising extreme Metal with a blend of melody, sounding broadly defined like a bastard of DEATH, SEPULTURA, KREATOR and NWBHM with the factor X that makes BreaKdowN what it is. Listen to the complete EP here > Divide and Konquer(no download required)
After years of silence the band joined forces with Andy Classen in Stage One Studio to deliver four tracks of pure energy and uncompromising metal that will please Death Metal, Thrash and Heavy Metal fans in the same vein.
The production is heavy, old school and intense, the music is uncompromising.
“(..) just as amazing as the cover and title, so is the sound of the trio. (…) got the punch of old school, amazing melodic pieces and good solos”
Rock Hard- Germany 2007


For 2024 The EP Divide  and Konquer is out on 08SEP2024 

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Guitars & Vocals

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Tati Schmidt


Anchor 1

Heavy, Thrash, Death metal band, "Time to Kill", "Voices of Khaos", "From Other Times", "Brazilian Thrash, "thrash Metal", "Sodom", "Kreator", Sepultura", "Dismember" "divide and Konquer" "Andy classen" "stage one studio" "unsilent records" "Thrash metal germany" "sarcofaco" "tankard" "accept"
"beneath the remains" "German thrash metal" sepultura obituary death metal 

"arch enemy" "thrash metal" "death metal"  "rise from the dead" "Divide and Konquer"  "speed metal" "wacken metal"   "brutal ssault" "Loerrach" metal

"Switzerland  metal"  

Breakdown Logo Steel AUG24.png

BreaKdowN plays

-Racism, Hate and Bullshit-

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BreaKdowN BKN delivers a Variety of extreme Metal and Blend of Melody, sounding broadly defined like a Bastard of Death, Kreator, Pestilence, Sepultura and NWOBHM with Factor X that makes BreaKdowN so expressive and strong. Ten Tracks of pure Energy, Hate and Face kicking Metal Songs that will please Death Metal, Thrash Metal and Heavy Metal Fans in the same Vein.!

 BreaK Down The WallS!!!!

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